Saturday, May 27, 2006
Thursday, May 25, 2006
Day 6: 50 Miles
Another lovely, rainy day in the Pacific Northwest. How do they put up with all this wet? I'm ready to cross the Cascades and put this weather behind me! That'll begin tomorrow with the first real climb through McKenzie Pass at 5324 feet. That's assuming the ranger lets me over; the route may be closed due to snow.
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Eugene OR
This is the only bridge I have ever seen that was actually built for bikes. Cool!
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Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Willamette River
OK, so the rain did stop long enough for me to get this pic. They say this valley is one of the few places in the world conducive to the cultivation of the filbert nut. Just in case you were wondering...
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Day 5: 71 miles
My most trying day so far: I lost the key to my bike lock; broke the strap on my sandal; got to my intended destination at the 62 mile mark only to discover there was no motel there anymore; and had a flat tire just a mile from the next motel. Oh, I almost forgot: it rained ALL DAY! Needless to say, this evening found me, yes, in a motel eating an entire large pizza and watching three consecutive episodes of Law and Order.
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Days 3 and 4: 41 and 42 miles
These days were were good - that is to say fairly uneventful. The weather was near perfect - 65 degrees - and the camping easy and convenient. I even had a stroke of good luck on day 4 as I beat the rain to camp by a mere 15 minutes!
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Tuesday, May 23, 2006
I didn't show them my ID
Don't worry, they're not after me. Nor am I posing in front of an actual police apprehension. It's one of the final classes of the Oregon state police academy which was taking place at the Polk County Fairgrounds where I camped last night. Lt. Steve Thiessen chatted with me for a while about what was going on. One of the objectives for this exercise was for the students to find their BIG voice. After observing that a few were using the vocal fry mechanism, I explained to Lt. Thiessen that I am a singer and voice teacher and that I might be able to show them proper breath support. Somehow he didn't seen to think that would be a good idea.
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Lased and grazed at the 4-H barn
I haven't looked like this since 1999 - that's the last time I got my hair but so short (grazed). Even better: I haven't SEEN like this since 1984 - I finally got my eyes done! (lased) So, I think that qualifies me for a Blue Ribbon. What do you think?
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My home
Some of you have asked where I lay my head at night. The simple answer is: my tent. Oh, yes, I'll get a room and gorge myself on pizza and Law and Order once in a while (don't we all?), but mostly I camp in parks of every type: city, state, federal, RV.... Those of you who have suffered through mosquito-ridden nights with me in this tent (you know who you are, and I'm still sorry!) will be happy to note the recent addition of netting at the bottom.
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Cape Kiwanda
This is where I said goodbye to Perry and Celia, the couple tandeming to San Fransisco. Toi toi! It was also the last time I say the beach.
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Douglas Furry
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Saturday, May 20, 2006
Day 2: 48 miles
I'm camping at another state park tonight: Case Lookout. My tent, in fact, is within sight of the beach, where the sun has just set. The ride was superb, especially the first half. The route followed a creek between two low ridges through a remote area, and for nearly two hours I saw fewer than 20 cars. The knees are OK; only minor aches. I plan to do additional stretching and to keep the mileage below 50 for the next two weeks as they get into shape. This is a little hard for me since I'm having such a great time and want to just keep going - I just need to remember to be patient. Tomorrow will be my last day along the coast, and for that I'm a little sad. However, the mountains beckon...
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As most people who have been out to eat with of probably know, I tend to be adventurous with my order. The thought actually goes through my head, "What if I never have another chance to eat an oyster burger for the rest of my life?" Well, it was delicious! Best of all, the oysters came literally from the water just behind the restaurant.
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Cape Meares Lighthouse
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Tillamook OR
I could have stayed and eaten a whole wheel of cheese, but I still had about 25 miles to go.
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Mohler OR
A neat farmhouse with windows ideally placed for passive solar heating.
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Day 1: 47 miles
It was very cool weather for my first day on the road. The riding was pretty flat, so I felt good about doing nearly 50 miles. No knee pain at all. Already I've met some fascinating people: a vacationing couple from San Fransisco who're riding the coast home from Seattle on their tandem. Another two I met while relaxing at the beach in the tiny resort town of Manzanita. They're two men, old friends from Bozeman, MT, who flew from there in their own Cessna! One of them, Craig, insisted that I come stay with him and wife and their three beautiful daughters. The other gentleman, who piloted the plane, is on the board of the Bozeman Opera. Wow...
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Friday, May 19, 2006
Seaside OR
This was the "Prom" (enade) that went right alongside the beach for about three miles. Beautiful.
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Tsunami evacuation route
I don't think my bike bags are THAT waterproof!
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"Hey you guys!" Near Astoria, where The Goonies was filmed.
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